Accepted Payment Types:
Checks/Certified Checks*
Credit/Debit Cards (Visa/MasterCard/AMEX/Discover)*
ACH Wire Transfer
Cash App*
Apple ‘Tap to Cash’ *
*For payment methods listed with an asterisk, see Payment Terms.
Payment Information:
Need to settle your balance? There are many different ways you can pay us and we’re here to help with that! We’ve taken the liberty to try to make it as easy as possible for our customers while also giving our customers maximum flexibility with the options to suit their needs best. Whether that is in person, through the mail, online, e-mail, or on the phone, it’s about whichever is right for YOU.
You can pay us by clicking on our personal payment link! It will direct you to our secure checkout through Stripe where you choose the amount and payment method.
You can scan the QR code with a smartphone or device which will also direct you to our secure personal payment link through Stripe where you can choose the amount and payment method.
If you rather pay via email, please click the “Pay Invoice via Email” button. From here all you have to do is enter in the invoice # and method of payment choice and click “send". We will quickly send you a payment link that is completely private to you directly through our processor through Chase Bank.
If you wish to pay us over the phone, you may click the ‘Pay Invoice via Phone’. button. This will give you the option to call or text us. You may call to pay over the phone or ask for a secure link through text with your invoice number. We will confirm your invoice number and take payment.